Business BFF
Ever wish you could have a high performance
coach and Business BFF in your back pocket?
Now you can.

You know you're meant for more but get caught up in the how.
You’ve built your business with integrity at its core, and that is something to be proud of.
You’re a little bit “out there”... ok, you’re a lot “out there,” and it’s awesome!
You're truly amazing at the work you do. You know this in your core. Yet, you still sometimes feel like an imposter.
You’re ready to take your business to the next level, but are barely keeping your nose above water as it is!
Ever wish you could have a high performance coach and Business BFF in your back pocket?
A ride-or-die who is your biggest encourager and always tells you the truth?
A trusted advisor that you can reach out to whenever you need?
Someone who believes in you and your dreams without judgment? No. Matter. What?
And who helps you to show up as the best version of yourself possible?
Do you want to know what it feels like to be fully supported in all of your aspirations?
To have someone to whisper your fears to, lock arms with, and pledge unwavering loyalty and support?
Hi there! I’m Carrie Roldan, your Business BFF!
I’m a professional encourager and truth-teller, and EXACTLY what your business needs. I’ll be your highly intuitive, ride-or-die, and the best choice you’ve ever made in your business.
I’m the person you call when you just need to talk about stuff… the one who tells you the loving, hard truths and encourages the crap out of you! And luckily for you, I have a highly tuned bullshit monitor! I won’t let you be the one who gets in the way of your success!
As your Business BFF, I will be your teammate on the entrepreneurial journey.
People who work with me ALWAYS make more money.
Their businesses grow in unlikely and unexpected ways.
Their lives improve and their wild dreams become reality.
They describe me and my role as “magic”
So, you wanna talk about it?
Let’s chat about how we can harness my magic for you!
Working with me is bespoke and custom.
I’ve been at this long enough to know that one size fits all doesn’t tend to fit anyone very well.
If we decide to work together, we’ll start with 30 days.
You will get results, and then we’ll both know what’s next.
Sometimes 30 days is all we need. We both feel satisfied and move on as better people.
Other times, my role evolves - and this is where the real juicy, magical fun happens!!!!
If we decide to lock arms, we’ll be in it TOGETHER! I’ll become an integral member of your success team, and we’ll do some magical shit together!
Here’s when to get on a call with me:
You know something’s missing in your team, but you’re not sure what to do about it.
You’re overloaded and you need someone experienced who you can trust to manage relationships and topics with both your team and your clients.
You’re succeeding in so many ways, but feeling alone and unsupported despite having a support team.
It starts with a Zoom call. Every time I connect with someone, something good comes out of it for BOTH of us, even if it doesn’t lead to us working together directly. There's no obligation except for 30 minutes of our time… which, I promise, will be joyful and soul-filling.
Client Case Study: Growth and Multiplication of the Intuitive Art Academy
A love letter from a happy client
Having your support allows me to make more money.
Your support keeps me focused on the bigger vision… I have more confidence because you have confidence in me.
You give my people, my group, a sense of belonging, camaraderie, and confidence that they can tap into when they need it.
You are the backbone of the company that people intimately connect with and trust, and that allows them to relax and do their work.
When you came on board, participation and engagement dramatically increased - which means we all make more money!
YOU are the difference maker, Carrie. Your energy.
THAT is what you do for me, and it is AMAZING! You are definitely worth your fee and I am happy to be able to increase that as we continue to grow together.”
- Rachel Archelaus
Intuitive Art Academy
Tangible outcomes for Rachel:
Since adding me to her team, Rachel’s revenue has more than doubled.
Intuitive Art revenue is 6x greater than it was a year ago
The vision that Rachel has held for years for Intuitive Art to spread across the globe has begun to manifest!
The number of classes that Certified Intuitive Artists are offering globally has quadrupled.
Rachel’s entire business has expanded and evolved beyond Intuitive Art and she launched The Daily Alignment Show.
Client Case Study: Retention Soars in Top Producer Mastermind
“Our coaching program isn't different from any other coaching program. Our members are looking to make big strides in their businesses, BUT, their own insecurities/self-talk/limiting beliefs/life/excuses/terror barriers get in the way.
Carrie is the "seer," the "truth teller," the "barrier breaker" that our participants need, no REQUIRE so that they can actually reach their goals.
When I hired Carrie, I was looking for someone who was competent enough with online marketing to teach the members of my high-level mastermind. And Carrie is that. But what I got was so much more!
Carrie takes the notion of hiring a "team member" to a whole new level. She truly is my teammate in building my business. She shows up for me and my people in ways I could not have anticipated. She loves and encourages me. She sees my vision and believes in it WITH me.
I hired her to lead my mastermind and participate in the Facebook group, and she does that well, but what she really does is so much bigger. She holds space for me and my business and helps me feel confident in the same way that she does for the members of my mastermind. She lifts EVERYONE up. We ALL make more money because of the magic that she brings. Carrie is a rare find, and I am so glad that I hired her.”
- Karla Silver
Top Producer Mastermind
Tangible outcomes for Karla:
Since I have been a part of Karla’s team, retention has climbed from 30% to 80%
As a result of the value that I bring, Karla has been able to raise her rates several times while increasing enrollment and retention.
Since including me, Karla’s sales conversion rate at her live event has more than doubled.
Pocket Consulting
I offer private, unlimited asynchronous coaching via Voxer or Marco Polo.
Mastermind Leadership
I’ll run your small group masterminds so you can focus on your business.
Team Building
If your team isn’t pissing excellence, you need me.

Let’s keep in touch!
I don’t email much, but when I do, it’ll make a difference in your business.